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Our Leaders are Shamans

The Superficial.

Case study.

If you’re a fan of digital art, you’ll definitely want to check out our latest NFT art collection (it will hit the scene this year): World Leaders are Shamans. This unique collection features reimagined portraits of the most powerful people in the world, behind the scenes.

Aesthetes.ID ART Studio


With this project we focused our attention on NFT. But what is NFT art, you might ask? NFT, or non-fungible token, is a type of digital art that is authenticated and verified using blockchain technology. This means that each piece is one-of-a-kind and can’t be replicated or counterfeited, making it highly valuable to collectors. The digital art market has exploded in recent years, and NFT has played a major role in this trend.

Aesthetes.ID ART Studio


So, what makes the “World Leaders are Shamans” collection so special? For one thing, the pieces are visually striking, with each portrait expertly rendered in the style of traditional shamanic art. But it’s not just the art itself that has people talking – it’s the concept. The idea of depicting world leaders as shamans adds elements of satire to the collection, making it perfect for those with a sense of humor and a love for the unconventional, or maybe superficial?

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Dr. Seuss
American author and cartoonist
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